The Challenge
I will read 52 books in the next year, one each week. (You can read about what sparked this challenge here) I will start of course, with the book I am currently in the middle of: Eat, Pray, Love. Each book thereafter will be a book that I want to read for any reason or no reason whatsoever. I will write about how each book touches me and/or pertains to my life, or to the lives of those around me. When the year is over, not only will I have read far more books than I ever would have otherwise, I will have a synopsis of my life for the year, as it pertains to what I was reading. I hope to be able to find what it is I am searching for (even if it is in hindsight), or at least be able to recognize what it is. That is why I am doing this in such a public forum. I am asking for your guidance and insights along the way. Let me know if you agree, or disagree with my reviews, but keep it respectful please!
The Ground Rules
1. I am not, nor do I pretend to be, a literary scholar or a book critic…by any stretch of the imagination. I do not want to get bogged down in discussing the academic merits of each book. The list of books that I have read for pleasure in my life is a shockingly short and unsophisticated list. The point of this exercise is to enjoy the books for what they are share my point of view as it relates to the entertainment value of the book.
2. Because this blog is for me, and about me, I want to be able to speak freely here. I realize that I will be putting my personal thoughts and emotions on the line for the world to judge, but I hope you will be kind. This kind of introspection isn't easy for everyone! If I offend you in any way, know that it was unintentional, but the only way to prevent it from happening again is to no longer read this blog.
3. If you know me in real life, and I mention you here, I will do everything I know how to do to protect your identifying information. I am sharing myself with the world wide web, but I respect your privacy and right to not do the same!
4. I will try to avoid the topic of religion in my posts, unless it is directly relevant. I am not a religious person, and I am not seeking a connection with God. Please don't judge me for that, and don't suggest that that is what I am missing in my life. It is futile!
5. Books will be chosen at random, with little to no regard of critical acclaim or best seller list status.