Tuesday, September 7, 2010

An Introduction

For most of my life, I enjoyed the books that I read, but each book was usually a means to an end. In the very beginning, books taught me vocabulary, and then how to read. Eventually I graduated from learning to read, to reading to learn. As I got older I read books so that I could write the paper, that would get me the grade, that would get me into college, that would get me the job that would allow me to help support the family that I would one day have. And that’s how I have lived most of my life…like a kid at a theme park wondering what ride I would go on next, instead of just simply enjoying the ride that I was on. The end, to which I have most dedicated the means to, was the adult life that I envisioned.

Now that I’m here, in the place that I always imagined I would get to, I find myself constantly wondering what’s next. It’s not that I didn’t enjoy getting to where I am now, or that I’m not enjoying being here, because I did, and I am. I have what I have always wanted…a wonderful marriage, 3 beautiful children, and a home in the suburbs where we are all safe and happy and healthy. So what is it that I’m searching for?

I’ve been wondering this question for a while now but it wasn’t until I saw a movie in a theater by myself for the first time that I found the inspiration to delve deeper. I recently spent an afternoon alone because my friends were busy and I needed to get out of the house without the kids tagging along. I decided to go see the movie Eat Pray Love with Julia Roberts. I had seen the preview for this movie several times. In fact, I think it was 6 times; once for each time I went to the theater to see Eclipse, the 3rd movie in the Twilight Series. Each time I watched the trailer I thought about how I would like to see it. But I got tired of waiting for the opportunity to present itself, so I took matters into my own hands, and went to see it on a Sunday afternoon…by myself. Did I mention that this was a first for me? The experience was cathartic, not only because of the content of the film, but because I felt like I had “crossed over,” like I was more enlightened somehow because I went to a movie alone. Strange, isn’t it? Something so simple made me feel like a different person. In all actuality, I think it had more to do with the movie, and how it spoke to me, but who knows?!

So I tell you all of this because this film, Eat Pray Love, inspired me. When the movie was over I went straight to the book store to get the book. Most people would say that was doing it backwards. That I should have read the book first and then saw the movie. I disagree, but I’ll save that for the next entry. The movie, and the book, inspired me to do more than just read. It inspired this blog, and the challenge that I am setting up for myself. I will read 52 books in the next year, one each week, and I will blog about it here. I will start of course, with the book I am currently in the middle of. Each book thereafter will be a book that I want to read for any reason or no reason whatsoever. I will write about how each book touches me, and pertains to my life, or to the lives of those around me. When the year is over, not only will I have read far more books than I ever would have otherwise, I will have a synopsis of my life for the year, as it pertains to what I was reading. I hope to be able to find what it is I am searching for (even if it is in hindsight), or at least be able to recognize what it is. That is why I am doing this in such a public forum. I am asking for your guidance and insights along the way.

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