Ok, I'm a convert. I see why everyone who read James Patterson reads all of his stuff! His writing just flows so well. His chapters are so short that I find myself saying, "Ok, just one more chapter, and then I'll put it down." That one chapter leads to another hour of reading. It's so hard to stop!
This is the first murder mystery novel of his that I've read and I was a little take aback by the gory picture that he painted for the first killing. I don't know what I was expecting, but I wasn't ready for it. And in hindsight, it wasn't even that bad! Fortunately, he didn't describe each murder in detail.
The other thing I didn't expect was a sex scene. Again, I'm not sure why I didn't expect that, but I didn't. I was thrilled though. As a woman, I appreciate a good sex scene in a book! The scene in this book was short, and not super erotic, but it fit the story and the characters.
Overall, this was a great book! I read it in 2 days because of my inability to put it down! I read it while my 2 year old watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse during the day, and when my husband was watching football at night! Now I have to pick out the next James Patterson book that I'm going to read. My husband has plenty to choose from, so I don't even need to leave the house! He swears by the Alex Cross books, so maybe that will be a good place to start!