I just happened upon this book when I was searching for more books by Sally Koslow, author of The Late Lamented Molly Marx. It sounded like just what I needed at the time, and I was right! I started with a sample downloaded to my Nook, and had to buy it immediately so that I could finish reading it. I couldn't put it down, and it took me less than 24 hours to read all 232 pages.
The best thing about this book is that it could be me and my best friend...if we lived in NYC in our late 20's and didn't have the families we have now! The slacker, Jane, is a lot like me. She really appreciates her leisure time, and plans her work life accordingly. I have more responsibilities than she does, but if I could, I would be her! She is also a little bit artistic (she embroiders, I sew), and she believes in the power of the universe. She has lots of friends, but one everyday friend (Rebecka) with whom she shares everything with. Together they are wild and unstoppable.
The banter between Jane and Rebecka is what really makes this book appeal to me! They tell each other everything, including when the other one is being a b*tch. They go out together, and help each other pick up men, like my best friend and I used to do. They help each other get over break-ups and re-focus on what's important, like drinking and having fun!
By the end of the book, the slacker, Jane, is no longer a slacker. She figures out that her current job (and her boss) is exactly what she needs to feel fulfilled. She basically receives all that she has been asking for from the universe, and in turn learns to stop asking. I have to say that that sounds like heaven to me! I would love to be so happy with the universe and the hand that it's dealt me, that I no longer felt the need to ask for help! I feel as lost as Jane does at the start of the book!
I definitely recommend this book for a fun, light hearted, easy read. However, there are several f-bombs throughout the book, and a hilarious passage describing the difference between a dick and an @sshole (page 72). So if that kind of stuff bothers you, you have been warned!
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