Monday, April 11, 2011

Catching up, once again!

I am not even sure how many books I've read in the last 41 days since I last wrote here. I have been extremely busy with the kids, my 2 jobs and a visit from my brother-in-law and his family. It's spring in North Carolina and I am excited to be spending more time outside with the kids, and less time on the couch. That being said, I have a long list of books that I've completed since Water for Elephants...and here it is:

Dead as a Doornail (#5 in the Sookie Stackhouse series) by Charlaine Harris
Summer at Willow Lake (#1 in the Lakeshore Chronicles) by Susan Wiggs
The Winter Lodge (#2 Lakeshore Chronicles) by Susan Wiggs
Undercover in High Heels (#3 High Heels series) by Gemma Halliday
Alibi in High Heels (#4 High Heels series) by Gemma Halliday
Mayhem in High Heels (#5 High Heels series0 by Gemma Halliday
The Demon Girl by Penelope Fletcher (can't wait for #2 to come out this summer)

I think that might be it! Can you tell I like to read series? I'm surprised that the list is so long, given my hectic schedule the last 6 weeks. I'm currently reading Switched (Trylle Trilogy #1) by Amanda Hocking. I'm less than 100 pages into it, but so far, I'm intrigued. Hopefully it picks up soon and really hooks me!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Water for Elephants

I read this book for a couple of reasons. First of all, my best friend recommended it quite highly and reminded me it was only $4.99 on for the Nookbook. Secondly, the movie is about to come out, with Robert Pattinson playing the lead role of Jacob. Inevitabley, my best friend and I will be among the first people with our butts in a movie theater seat waiting to watch this movie, and she is going to want to talk about the book. So I decided it was in my best interest to go ahead and read it, even though I typically prefer to see the movie first, and then read the book.

I have to say that I enjoyed the book, but hope they take some creative liberties with the movie. There were times in the book where I found myself getting a little bit bored. Picturing Jacob as Robert Pattinson usually helped me pull through it though! The last 75 or so pages were great! I just couldn't put it down. I also really enjoyed the note from the author at the end. It's always nice to know what parts of a historical book are real, and where those stories came from.

The best thing about this book for me was that you could actually imagine what it was like to be in a travelling circus during the depression. The details were vivid and I feel like Gruen did a great job at filling in the holes that other authors might have left empty. I do wish we got to see a  little more of the storyline between Jacob and Marlena though. It's nice that we know what happened to them, but I would have liked to read at least some of it from Jacob's point of view, as we did the rest of the book.

In reading the questions for book club discussions at the end of the book, I learned that one layer of the story follows the book of Jacob from the Bible. I am not a religious person, so I did not make that connection, but I'd love to hear from any of you who did realize that. Maybe you can fill me in!

Dead to the World by Charlaine Harris

I finally read book #4 in the Sookie Stackhouse series, Dead to the World. I would probably have read the entire series by now if I had them all on my Nook. Unfortunately, I borrowed the books for the rest of the series in paperback, and I keep forgetting that I have them. When I finish a book on my Nook, I tend to start another one right the rest of this series may have to wait a bit. The good news is that it's only going to be a a few more months before True Blood is back on TV! That alone will encourage me to keep reading!

So I enjoyed this book, mostly because I already know that Sookie doesn't end up with Bill, so I was happy to see her and Eric finally connect. I had been forewarned by my friends that this book was one of their favorites because of the sex scenes between Sookie and Eric. Now if you're looking for a lengthy, explicit sex scene, you need to find a romance novel. Charlaine Harris gets the job done with few words and even fewer details. It works though, and the scenes in this book are no exception. I really hope to see a few of them play out in the TV series though. Alan Ball has the ability to give readers what they were missing in the books.

Aside from the short, vague love scenes, I feel like Harris leaves a lot of other stuff out of this book too. It is in this book that we meet witches for the first time, and I don't feel like she gave us enough description and background. That part of the book lacked depth and I really think the book could have been better if she had gone deeper with those characters and that plot line. I'm guessing that she kept it to a minimum to keep the book at a similar length to the previous books. I would have been much happier with a longer book that did a little more explaining.

That said, I did enjoy this book and look forward to book #5!

The High Heels Series by Gemma Halliday

I have read the first two books in this series; Spying in High Heels and Killer in Heels. Both books were fun, easy reads, and kept me interested from start to finish. I though they were a bit long, but otherwise, really enjoyed both of them. The premise for this series, is a completely average shoe designer gets caught up in the middle of different murders, partly by accident but mostly because she can't let anything go. She is fun and quirky and definitely a little nuts, but very likable. She meets a very charismatic policeman and their attempt at a relationship plays into each story. They have a lot of heat between them, and eventually there is implied sex, but no explicit love scenes.

The thing I loved about these books is I could totally see Katherine Heigl or Drew Barrymore playing the lead character in a romantic comedy movie based on the books. Her best friend would be someone like Cameron Diaz and the cop would be any really hunky Hollywood actor who could pull of a slight Spanish accent. 

I haven't decided if I'm going to read the 3rd book in the series. While I enjoyed the first two, I am worried that the 3rd will be a little too predictable. My best friend already downloaded it to her Nook though, so I may ask her to "lend" it to me. I guess I'll let you know! :) 

Catching Up

I've done quite a bit of reading in the last few weeks, but not a lot of writing. I find myself engulfed in other peoples' blogs and it takes away from my allotted writing time. I also seem to have a lot less allotted writing time these days, since my son is no longer going to preschool (financial decision) and I am now working 4-5 nights a week. I have a lot less down time!

Anyway, the books I've read since I last wrote here are (in no particular order):
Water for Elephants
Killer in High Heels (#1 in the High Heels series)
Spying in High Heels #2 in the High Heels series)
Club Dead (#4 in Sookie Stackhouse series)
Christmas Stalking

I really thought I had read more than that! Hmmm...I'm about 10 weeks/books behind where I should be. Time to buckle down! :)

I don't necessarily have a ton of things to say about each of these books, so I'm going to lump the obvious ones together in the next few posts. The book I am currently reading is Committed by Elizabeth Gilbert. It's the book that followed Eat Pray Love and I'm having a tough time getting through it.  It is nowhere near as interesting to me as its predecessor, but I am a little more than half way through, so I should be done soon.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Club Dead by Charlaine Harris

The 3rd book in the Sookie Stackhouse series is just as good as the first 2, and it's even more different from the show, True Blood, than the first 2 were.

What I like most about this book is Bubba, the vampire Elvis. It's totally cheesy, and funny at the same time. Supposedly he wasn't quite dead  when he went to the morgue the night he "died," and the vampire on duty turned him. Unfortunately, the massive amount of drugs in his system made him a less than intelligent vampire, and he is traded between Areas to prevent him from returning to Graceland and causing a "sighting." They call him Bubba so he isn't constantly reminded of his human life.

In this book, Bubba is commissioned to protect Sookie, and he does just that. In the process, he kills a Were and hides him in the apartment where Sookie is staying, forcing her to hide the corpse. Like I said, it's a bit much, but it's kind of funny.

The other thing I love about this book is the way Sookie begins to move away from Bill, both emotionally and physically. While she still loves Bill, Sookie experiments with letting herself think about and feel for Alcide and Eric. She makes out with Alcide and fantasizes about going further, and then to third base with Eric! I like the way Harris wrote those scenes, but hope we'll see a little more description in later scenes.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Slacker Girl by Alexandra Koslow

I just happened upon this book when I was searching for more books by Sally Koslow, author of The Late Lamented Molly Marx. It sounded like just what I needed at the time, and I was right! I started with a sample downloaded to my Nook, and had to buy it immediately so that I could finish reading it. I couldn't put it down, and it took me less than 24 hours to read all 232 pages.

The best thing about this book is that it could be me and my best friend...if we lived in NYC in our late 20's and didn't have the families we have now! The slacker, Jane, is a lot like me. She really appreciates her leisure time, and plans her work life accordingly. I have more responsibilities than she does, but if I could, I would be her! She is also a little bit artistic (she embroiders, I sew), and she believes in the power of the universe. She has lots of friends, but one everyday friend (Rebecka) with whom she shares everything with. Together they are wild and unstoppable.

The banter between Jane and Rebecka is what really makes this book appeal to me! They tell each other everything, including when the other one is being a b*tch. They go out together, and help each other pick up men, like my best friend and I used to do. They help each other get over break-ups and re-focus on what's important, like drinking and having fun!

By the end of the book, the slacker, Jane, is no longer a slacker. She figures out that her current job (and her boss) is exactly what she needs to feel fulfilled. She basically receives all that she has been asking for from the universe, and in turn learns to stop asking. I have to say that that sounds like heaven to me! I would love to be so happy with the universe and the hand that it's dealt me, that I no longer felt the need to ask for help! I feel as lost as Jane does at the start of the book!

I definitely recommend this book for a fun, light hearted, easy read. However, there are several f-bombs throughout the book, and a hilarious passage describing the difference between a dick and an @sshole (page 72). So if that kind of stuff bothers you, you have been warned!

Living Dead in Dallas by Charlaine Harris

Book 2 of the Sookie Stackhouse series was just as good as the first, but not what I was expecting. I hate to compare it to the HBO series True Blood, because I know the show is only loosely based on the books, but because I've seen seasons 1-3, I have no choice.

From the show, I expected the second book to be a lot more about the maenad, and the Fellowship of the Sun, but there was shockingly little about that in the book. I can finally see why my best friend gets so worked up about how much the show deviates from the books! Regardless, I still like the books, and the show, but for different reasons.

One of the things that I actually liked about this book is that you get to see the depth of Sookie's love for Bill. I know that for people that have read the entire series, that isn't necessarily a good thing. I know she ends up with Eric, but I like that she and Bill have a real relationship (as real as it can be between a vampire and a human).

Another thing that I liked is that Sookie's brother, Jason isn't involved with the Fellowship of the Sun. I always found that storyline kind of weird in the show.  I was surprised how minimal Jason's role has been in the books so far. Similarly, I didn't like that the character of Godric/Godfrey was so minimalized in the book, and he was made out to be such an evil vampire. Now I'm curious if he will be explored in more detail in subsequent books, or if what we see of him in True Blood is all fabricated for the show.

This book was a good, fast read, and it made me want to read the next book in the series, Club Dead. It's already downloaded to my Nook, and is ready to go, after I finish Slacker Girl, by Alexandra Koslow.

The Late Lamented Molly Marx, by Sally Koslow

I finally finished this book! It took over a month, but it wasn't because I wasn't into it. Things get crazy around here with the holidays and something has to be moved to the back burner, and that something was my reading. Never fear though, it is definitely back on the front burner!(See my last post about my new Christmas present.)

So this book was kind of strange for me. There were a lot of reference to Jewish traditions and practices that I knew absolutely nothing about! I have a hard enough time with Christian rituals, but I am totally lost when it comes to shiva and pretty much anything Jewish!  I got through it though, and I have to say, that was really the only negative in this book for me, and it's not the author's fault. I blame it on my own disregard for most things religious.

The basic premise of the book deals with a character who dies unexpectantly, and is examining her life from the great beyond, or the "duration" as the book calls it. We get to see the last few years of her life leading up to her mysterious death, and then how her former life goes on without her. We see it through her eyes, as she watches from the duration. It's actually written brilliantly, I think!

The heroine, Molly, is such a likeable, everyday character. She has flaws, but she knows it. Her relationships were messy and difficult when she was alive, and she only (kind of) gets clarity once she is dead. Throughout the novel you are brought on a journey by the author to figure out how Molly died. It's almost as if the author wasn't sure how it was going to end until it did. The characters and supsense are so well created, that you could pin her death on any number of the people in her life!

Overall,  I really liked this book. It moved well, and was written in a witty, light-hearted style that I enjoyed. It made me cry at the end too, which is almost always a good thing! It means the author has been successful in connecting you emotionally to the characters and the story, which Koslow definitely does!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

I got a Nook for Christmas!

My favorite present this Christmas was the Nook that my husband scored on Black Friday. He didn't get up early, or wait in line for it either! I brought the Best Buy flyer to Walmart and they price-matched. So he got me a Nook at 11am on Black Friday for $99. Score!

I spend a good part of Christmas day setting it up and playing with the features. I downloaded some free books (Pride and Prejudice, and A Christmas Carol), and then activated my gift card so I could download some other books. I also got pretty good at the easy Sudoku puzzles!

The first book that I actually paid for was Living Dead in Dallas by Charlaine Harris. It's the second book in the Sookie Stackhouse series. Then I bought Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Jane Austen and Seth Grahame Smith, based on a recommendation from my college roommate. I also now have the 3rd book in the Sookie Stackhouse series, Club Dead, and a few others that just peaked my interest.

Today I started reading Slacker Girl, by Alexandra Koslow. I found it while searching for the newest book by Sally Koslow, author of The Late Lamented Molly Marx, that I just finished. I read the sample (i.e. teaser) that Barnes and Noble offered through my Nook, and couldn't stop reading. I bought it on the spot and have already read the first 160 pages. I am loving it!

So even though I've been kind of slacker, things are looking up! I have fininished 2.5 books this week, and with the Nook, I have a feeling my reading is going to escalate exponentially! The more I read, the more I want to read! I have to keep in mind that I need balance though.I can't let this consume me and take me away from my family all day!  Baby steps!
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