Monday, September 20, 2010

The Doctor's Wife

I picked this book off the shelf at Walmart one day because I liked the cover, and the synopsis on the back. It's a story about 4 people whose lives intertwine in unforeseeable ways. The doctor, is an OB-GYN who moonlights at an abortion clinic. His wife is a writer and a professor at a local college. Their relationship is strained by his long hours at work, and unwillingness to make time for the rest of the family. When he starts working at the abortion clinic, he not only pisses off his partners, but he catches the eye of an anti-abortion group who begin to target him and his family. In the meantime, his wife becomes increasingly unhappy with their marriage and runs into someone who makes her feel alive again.

The other couple that this story revolves around is a famous, but almost extinct painter, and his beautiful wife.  His wife was his muse, and the subject of the paintings that put him on the art world's map. They have a sordid, almost incestuous past, and their relationship has faded to the point that he is no longer inspired or in love. He finds new inspiration from the doctor's wife and the story begins to unfold. Throw in some mental instability and a manipulative religious figure, and you have a recipe for disaster!

The story begins at the end, which was a little confusing. Each chapter was dedicated to a different character, and I found that it jumped around a bit. Overall, I thought the book was a good read, and I couldn't wait to find out what was going to happen next. The story contains themes of adultery, abortion, mental illness, religion (if you can call it that) and politics. It forces you to look at these subjects and decide which side you would be on.  I enjoyed the plot twists and the way the author took you through the sordid pasts of some of the characters.

I'm hesitant to talk about some of the topics in this book because abortion, adultery and religion are things that most people feel very strongly about. However, I will say this...Given the right situation, I believe all of us are capable of cheating.  When a person who continually feels unappreciated and lonely allows him/herself to be in a compromising situation with another person who is able, and perhaps all too willing, to give them what they need emotionally and/or sexually, the results are likely to be a torrid affair. Whether right or wrong, it can happen to anyone. The key is not to put yourself in those situations.

Similarly, it's easy to denounce the practice of abortion, but I believe that the right situation could make one change his/her mind.  Most would think twice when it was their own family member faced with an unwanted pregnancy that was the result of a deplorable situation.  It's not always black and white!

I'm going to save religion for a separate entry but I can't end this entry without noting that I detest those who use the guise of religion to manipulate and/or harm others. It happens everyday, and I have no tolerance for it!

Okay...I'm getting off my soap box now!

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